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Me and my Writing. Just do it, Pedro.

Sometimes I feel like Walt Stack, the legendary 80-year-old runner featured in a 1988 Nike’s “Just Do It” TV commercial. Not that I can run like Walt. Or that I ever could. But there’s something that he had that I also have. I call it “ganas.” He probably called it willpower. At age 77, I still have that resolve, that desire to get stuff done. And a determination to continue to follow my dreams, which…


IMAGEN: Autoretrato. Dibujo a pluma y tinta. Miércoles, 19 de julio de 2023. Frisco, Texas Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Acabo de llegar a los 77 años. Es un día especial. Puedes llamarme viejo si quieres, y no me ofenderé. Porque es verdad. Estoy viejo. Pero me queda algo de fuego por dentro, y en muchos sentidos, todavía queda leña por quemar. Algunas cosas ya no funcionan igual que antes, pero otras sí. Te contaré más…

“Aunque eran gente de rancho, acostumbrada a aguantar los castigos del medio ambiente, el asedio del inclemente invierno cachanilla era otra cosa. El frío era inaguantable. Cada noche dormían en un lugar diferente, generalmente en rincones detrás de edificios en donde buscaban protección contra el gélido invierno.”


Ode to Joe

President Joe Biden, official photo by Adam Schultz, 2021   Tribute to President Joe Biden Much he had done already, for us all, But wanted to do more. Though still fit, His persona had begun to fall prey to The outrageous ills that often pester Those growing old. When asked to step Aside, Joe understood and complied.   And passed the baton. Did it for country, But most of all, to try to save the…
Pedro Chavez
September 15, 2024

There’s Some Hope for the Governed

I’m done with them grassroots fundraisers. I’m really done. I’m also done with them texts politicians send every day, always asking for dough. For five, ten bucks. They need the money by midnight, they say, to reach a goal. I don’t care about no goals. But I care about electing the right fellas to run our government. That’s why I gave money before, when Barack was running for President the first time around. But not…
Pedro Chavez
August 22, 2023

Me and my Writing. Just do it, Pedro.

Sometimes I feel like Walt Stack, the legendary 80-year-old runner featured in a 1988 Nike’s “Just Do It” TV commercial. Not that I can run like Walt. Or that I ever could. But there’s something that he had that I also have. I call it “ganas.” He probably called it willpower. At age 77, I still have that resolve, that desire to get stuff done. And a determination to continue to follow my dreams, which…
Pedro Chavez
July 28, 2023


IMAGEN: Autoretrato. Dibujo a pluma y tinta. Miércoles, 19 de julio de 2023. Frisco, Texas Hoy es mi cumpleaños. Acabo de llegar a los 77 años. Es un día especial. Puedes llamarme viejo si quieres, y no me ofenderé. Porque es verdad. Estoy viejo. Pero me queda algo de fuego por dentro, y en muchos sentidos, todavía queda leña por quemar. Algunas cosas ya no funcionan igual que antes, pero otras sí. Te contaré más…
Pedro Chavez
July 19, 2023


IMAGE: Self-portrait. Pen and ink drawing. Wednesday, July 19, 2023. Frisco, Texas Today is my birthday. Just turned 77. It’s a special day. You can call me an old goat if you want, and I won’t be offended. Because it’s true. I’m up there in age. But there’s some fire left in me, and in many ways, I still got it. Some stuff doesn’t work the same, but other stuff does. I’ll tell you more…
Pedro Chavez
July 19, 2023

Se nos fue otra hermana

IMAGEN: Rosa Carmina con nuestra sobrina Elisa. Circa 1988.   Hace poco más de dos meses que perdimos a Amanda, la mayor de nuestro clan. Fue una muerte inesperada. Estaba en el lugar equivocado en el momento equivocado. El vehículo que ella conducía fue embestido por un auto que circulaba en sentido contrario y cuyo conductor había perdido el control tras sufrir un infarto. Fue un triste final de una vida maravillosa y un trágico…
Pedro Chavez
July 8, 2023

Another Sister’s Gone

It’s been a little over two months since we lost Amanda, the oldest in our clan. It was an unexpected passing. She was at the proverbial wrong place at the wrong time. The vehicle she was driving was hit by an oncoming car whose driver had lost control after suffering a heart seizure. It was a sad end to a wonderful life and a tragic end for a sister who sometimes played mom when we…
Pedro Chavez
July 7, 2023