I’m one of the immigrants in America. I’m not alone. Most people in this country are either newcomers or the descendants of those that arrived here some years back. I came along with my family more than half a century ago. Thousands and thousands and more thousands of Mexicans have moved north since then.
Migration from one country to another happens a lot, by the way, in much of the world. People leave their nation of birth for other lands. They often don’t have a choice. As history is our witness, humans have moved about the earth forever and ever. There have been several reasons for doing so, but most motives have been tied to seeking food or shelter or both. Both justifications make sense. We humans have certain basics needs and food and shelter are two of them.
There’s also a latent nomadic spirit in men and women, which is sometimes awakened by a need to seek greener pastures. We, the Chávez García family, did just that. We came to America looking for the opportunities we didn’t have back home. In a way, we were also looking for the promised land.
I’ve gotten to like America a lot, I have to admit. I hope you don’t mind if I call her a “she.” I’ve chosen that gender because to me she’s not only a she, but also a great lady and a noble dame.
Anyway, I think she likes me too. Maybe it is the Mexican in me. I know she likes Mexicans. It must be because most of us work hard. America is difficult to understand sometimes, though, and is often stubborn and nasty, and tells some newcomers like me that she doesn’t want us here. But she eventually gives in and extends her hand. Especially to those that understand her and know where she’s coming from.
She likes brainy people too. Boy, a lot of brainy immigrants are coming from Asia now, that’s for sure. If you were to ask me, America is causing a brain drain in some of those countries. It’s not good for them, for the places those people are leaving behind. I have to add, those brainy folks are coming to the United States in droves because there’s plenty work for them here, good work, and money. Plenty money.
Brainy Mexicans don’t come to America much, unless it is to shop. They prefer to stay at home. It’s nice for them there. A lot of good things are going on in Mexico now, that economy is just growing and growing. Besides, most of those brainy Mexicans have good jobs and are well off. There’s no need for them to come here and have to put up with the likes of those who claim Mexicans are bad; criminals and rapists.
I’m telling you, that’s something I don’t like about this country; there’s too much finger pointing and loose talk sometimes. Some people call it freedom of speech. I call it a cancer; bad talk that gets others to hate some of their fellow men and women. It’s not good.
Most Americans don’t fall in the trap, though. Most of them are good people that love freedom and having the opportunity to thrive in whatever they choose to do. Most still retain the vestiges of a pioneering spirit and a staunch belief in democracy. That’s why the United States is still a great place.
But a lot of people don’t talk much about that, the good things, especially in the media. Boy, they like to badmouth America and to get the citizens riled up. Politicians do it too, they say some dumb things sometimes just to get attention. They also twist the truth to pander to their bases. They lie, flat out lie.
I don’t like politicians. Too bad we need them to run our government. Most of them have no shame. But I like America, with all its rotten apples and all. It’s a good place. It just needs some tweaking to make it even better.