I’m done with them grassroots fundraisers. I’m really done. I’m also done with them texts politicians send every day, always asking for dough. For five, ten bucks. They need the money by midnight, they say, to reach a goal.
I don’t care about no goals.
But I care about electing the right fellas to run our government. That’s why I gave money before, when Barack was running for President the first time around. But not gonna do it no more. I’m done. Even if it’s just nickels and dimes.
By the way, lots of them politicians out there ask for money for their campaigns, every day, but they seldom get around to telling us what they gonna do to make our country a better place for everyone. I kinda have an idea, though, why that happens. It’s because most politicians are pretty sneaky. And most speak with a forked tongue, Jesus H. Christ. And if they get around to telling us what they gonna do, they often promise one thing but end up doing something else.
That’s why I don’t give them my dough no more. I don’t trust them politicians. But I vote, no matter what. Even when the choices we have don’t make no sense. A fella’s gotta vote.
There’s another reason for not giving them my money. I don’t think them politicians have a soul to help guide them. Some are also yellow-bellies. Take that guy Ted Cruz, for example. He’s such a coward. A liar, too. He used to hate Trump, but he now loves him. When Trump said that Ted’s wife was ugly, Ted did nothing. When Trump said that Ted’s dad was involved in Kennedy’s killing, Ted did nothing. He just kissed butt. When all of us had to stay at home during the pandemic, Ted took off to Cancún. What a snake.
I’m hoping Ted’s gone this time around, but don’t think that’s gonna happen. Just like them elected politicians, lots of fellas in the country now have no soul neither. Not their own, anyway. They follow a bigger soul and let others do the thinking for them. It don’t matter if it’s good or bad. Because they have no soul of their own.
Crooked stuff don’t matter neither to a lot of fellas. Crooked people can do crooked things for as long as they want, and them fellas with no soul will still follow those crooks. They just like what they hear. Because it’s music to their ears, I’m telling you. Hitler did the same thing. He told people what they wanted to hear.
It’s something that’s been happening in our country for a while. For a long while. Trump done it recently. He’s now got plenty clones doing the same thing. Telling people what they want to hear.
But there’s hope. Not from them politicians, nohow. The ones with no soul. The ones that don’t care about no one else but themselves. The ones that ask for money every day. No, there’s hope because some folks in our country are still set on upholding the law. Which is good. Using the courts to punish the guilty.
And if they’ve done the crime, the crooked fellas will do the time.
—My apologies to John Steinbeck
AUTHOR: Pedro Chávez