
Ode to Joe

By September 15, 2024 No Comments

President Joe Biden, official photo by Adam Schultz, 2021


Tribute to President Joe Biden

Much he had done already, for us all,

But wanted to do more. Though still fit,

His persona had begun to fall prey to

The outrageous ills that often pester

Those growing old. When asked to step

Aside, Joe understood and complied.


And passed the baton. Did it for country,

But most of all, to try to save the throng

From the throes of a likely and ominous

Future, and the fangs of a wicked man

Whose main claim to fame has been his

Knack for lying and rude name calling.


Joe, when he came onboard, became a

Welcomed beacon of hope, for those of

Us who had seen our nation go awry and

In a downward spiral. Auguring gloom at

Home and abroad. Predicting dark times.

For America and for most of the world.


It was the previous man at the helm who

Done it. He didn’t care about anyone else

But himself. Though his empty words cried

For our nation to be great again, his hot air

Talk had a different message. It really said:

Let’s make our digs white again. No doubt.


Joe, however, turned it around. Once he took

The reins, he and his team made America

America again. A revived leader of the free

World and again a place where the little guy

Can make it big. A place of opportunity for

All people, not just for the very few, the rich.


Nothing has come easy to Joe, though. He’s

Been dealt plenty lemons during his tragedy

Struck long life journey. A dear son gone,

Another one doing wrong. Lost his first wife

Early, as well as a dear daughter. We can only

Guess the grave pain those woes have caused.


But Joe’s always moved on. Always humble,

Obedient and focused on the job at hand. He

And his team whipped inflation, avoided bad

Times. The economy is stable, jobs a plenty,

The dollar strong. Did it undoing wrongs and

Instilling confidence in the fickle marketplace.


Joe’s term will soon end but his legacy will be

Forever scratched in stone. In history’s annals.

The good he’s done for the battered melting pot,

For an America gone amiss, will define his stay

And transcend the whims of time. Thank you

Joe for doing what you did. And taking the fall.


AUTHOR: Pedro Chávez