


Letter to President Barack Obama

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama addresses supporters in Golden, Colorado, on September 16, 2008. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Dear Mr. President: I am sure you still have a lot on your plate as you approach the final year of your presidency. Some of it, I hope, has to do with the stuff you promised when we the people elected you to run our country in 2008. There’s other stuff, for sure, and more of…
Pedro Chavez
November 8, 2015

2007 Message for Hillary, Barack

BAGHDAD, IRAQ: A group of US Army First Armoured Division soldiers survey the scene where a car bomb exploded in front of a hotel killing at least four people on January 28, 2004. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images) NOTE: I wrote the following column sometime in July or August of 2007, and emailed it to Keven Ann Willey, who headed the editorial board at the Dallas Morning News. I was trying to land a gig…
Pedro Chavez
October 29, 2015

About Hypocrites and Loose Talk

It’s getting crazy out there in the presidential campaign trail. Then again, it always gets crazy. It happens every four years. You hear a lot of gobbledygook. Candidates talk about this and that and about how they’re different from the others bidding for the keys to the White House. Some call themselves outsiders, non-politicians. Yeah, right. And another thing, they also flaunt their empty promises and vow to change government for the better. “Yeah, that’s…
Pedro Chavez
October 16, 2015

We Are Still a Pretty Good Team

  We both go way back. Mexicans and Americans. My ancestors had been on this continent much before Americans arrived. Mine were centuries-old civilizations that were eventually conquered by the Spaniards. The pilgrims, the most notable forebears of today’s America, were fed up people, most of them seeking religious freedom and a home on pristine land. Those pioneers settled in North America some four hundred years ago. While the pilgrims were busy running their colonies,…
Pedro Chavez
October 14, 2015

America, my Kind of Lady

I’m one of the immigrants in America. I’m not alone. Most people in this country are either newcomers or the descendants of those that arrived here some years back. I came along with my family more than half a century ago. Thousands and thousands and more thousands of Mexicans have moved north since then. Migration from one country to another happens a lot, by the way, in much of the world. People leave their nation…
Pedro Chavez
October 2, 2015