
Trump Archives - The Virtual Columnist


Ode to Joe

President Joe Biden, official photo by Adam Schultz, 2021   Tribute to President Joe Biden Much he had done already, for us all, But wanted to do more. Though still fit, His persona had begun to fall prey to The outrageous ills that often pester Those growing old. When asked to step Aside, Joe understood and complied.   And passed the baton. Did it for country, But most of all, to try to save the…
Pedro Chavez
September 15, 2024

Estimado Sr. Lincoln

Estimado Sr. Lincoln, Su partido político, el ahora llamado Grand Old Party, el que se fundó para oponerse a la expansión de la esclavitud y a la Ley Kansas-Nebraska de 1854, sería irreconocible para usted hoy si regresara de ultratumba. Ya no es el partido que se inclinaba por ideales liberales como la búsqueda de la felicidad y el principio de que todos los hombres y mujeres somos creados iguales. El Partido Republicano, Sr. Lincoln,…
Pedro Chavez
September 24, 2022

Dear Mr. Lincoln

Dear Mr. Lincoln, Your political party, the now called Grand Old Party, the one founded to oppose the spreading of slavery and the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act, would be unrecognizable to you today if you were to return from the grave. It is no longer the party bent on such liberal ideal as the pursuit of happiness and the principle that all men and women are created equal. The GOP, Mr. Lincoln, has done a one-eighty…
Pedro Chavez
September 24, 2022

A Time of Sorrow, and Disbelief

IMAGE: Redacted copy of the letter I received from the White House. Got a letter today, it was from the White House. It was signed by the president of the United States. He didn’t really sign it, it just had the replica of his signature on it. He demanded the John Hancock and the mailing of such letters as a political ploy, to tell Internal Revenue Service direct deposit recipients that the stimulus money that…
Pedro Chavez
April 27, 2020

Media Outlets Profit in Trump Era

IMAGE: Donald Trump during presidential campaign. iStock photo (Getty Images)     The legendary king of late night TV, Johnny Carson, would sometimes blame a “slow news day” for the lack of comedic material for his standup. It was a different era. No CNN 24-hour news, no other networks doing the same, no political pundits spreading their hype on television and the Internet, no social media. Times have changed, though, especially now that The Donald…
Pedro Chavez
March 14, 2018